March 8, 2025

Lebron James Etch a Sketch

This is one of the coolest video clips I have ever seen. A young man creates Lebron James on one of my favorite toys from childhood the Etch a Sketch. Thoughts?

J.R. Smith Failed Driving School or Least It Seems!

J.R. Smith

J.R. Smith of the Denver Nuggets was at the wheel this weekend when his car was involved in an accident that killed one of his friends Andre Bell. Smith who is 21 has had his licensed suspended five times in the last year. His license was in good standing though at the time of the accident over the weekend.

Smith and Bell were thrown from his SUV when he ran a stop sign leading to the SUV colliding with a Jag and and flipping over. J.R. was hospitalized with an injured left shoulder and numerous scratches. His condition on Tuesday was not immediately available because privacy regulations at hospitals don’t allow information out on patients.

The investigation continues into the crash yet J.R. has already received two tickets for the accident. Smith accrued 27 points against his license from from spring of ’05 to early ’06 with eight moving violations. The violations included five speeding citations. His most recent license suspension was in February of this year.

Our wishes go out to Andre Bell’s family and we only hope J.R. learns how to drive or decides to pay someone else to do it for him.

New Magic Man

Stan Van Gundy

Out with Billy Boy and in with Stan “The Porno Man” Van Gundy for Orlando. The Magic have let Billy Donovan out of the contract he wanted to break within three days of agreeing to it and will sign Ron Jeremy…err….Stan as their new head coach. I personally think this is an excellent hire because he has solid experience in the NBA and did a great job with the Miami Heat until Pat Riley decided to take the reigns. In the long run this worked out well for everyone since Donovan can go back to Gainesville and Van Gundy gets another head coaching gig.

Cavaliers Bandwagon


Is officially loading up and heading to the NBA Finals. Cleveland domiated Detroit last night 98-82 in Cleveland to win the Eastern Conference finals 4-2. The NBA finals get kicked off this coming Thursday in San Antonio and I am looking forward to the battle. Can Bruce Bowen check Lebron James? Can Daniel Gibson keep up his unbelievable playoff run? Who does Cleveland use to guard Tim Duncan? All these questions and more will be answered in the next couple of weeks.


Orlando Magic Pull a Rabbit Out of Their Hat

Orlando Magic

Rumors are flying in Orlando that Billy Donovan will soon be announced the new head coach of the Orlando Magic. I knew something was up in respect to a big name coach when they randomly fired Brian Hill recently, but I didn’t think Donovan would be the new head coach. Can ‘Billy Ball’ work in the pros? It appears we will find the answer to this very question in the coming years based on these rumors.

Side note:
RIP – Florida Gators. It will take a couple of years, but there goes the program.

RIPFlorida Gators Basketball

To be traded…or not to be traded

Kobe Bryant

This seems to be the question going on right now with Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Lakers. Kobe made a lot of noise with the media yesterday when he announced on Steven A Smith’s radio show that he has been lied to by the Lakers and wants to be traded. He said he was promised the Lakers would build an adequate team around him after the departure of Shaquille O’Neal, but there haven’t been any big additions to the team and they don’t plan on doing much in this off-season.

A few hours after Kobe said he must be traded he backed off these statements and said he really wants things to work out. How do you back track that much in the same day Kobe? You shouldn’t make such damaging statements and then just take them back as if it wasn’t a big deal. Don’t forget this was the same team and organization that stood behind you during your off-court isssues a couple of years back and do you really need another PR problem?

Lebron James From Downtown

‘King James’ really can make full court shots like the one mimicked in the Powerade commercials. Check out this video clip and watch Lebron nail this long shot from yesterday in practice. On a side noe shoulnd’t he be worried about making 6 footers with contact rather than full court shots? 😉 I love you Bron, but I couldn’t resist the jab. I do expect you and Cleveland Cavaliers to beat the Pistons tonight in game 3 od the Eastern Conference Finals.

Hibbert Flip Flops

Roy Hibbert

Roy Hibbert has pulled his name from the 2007 NBA Draft and will return to the University of Georgetown. The 7-2 center decided he would rather gun for a national championship with the Hoyas instead of playing in the NBA next year. The more I thought about Hibbert’s decision the more it made sense to me. He was going to be picked in the low teens more than likely this year and if he waits until next year he could easily be a top five pick. I just Jeff Green would have decided to come back to because Gtown would have been one solid squad.

Blazers Win the Lottery

NBA Lottery

The Portland Traiblazers had only a 5.3% chance of winning the number one pick in the 2007 draft, but that didn’t stop them from winning last night in the drawing. The NBA’s rookie of the year and one of many young talents on the Blazers team Brandon Roy represented the Blazers during the lottery drawing. The Sonics were able to land the second pick of the draft so we do know Oden and Durant will end up on one of these two teams barring a trade. I’m almost willing to guarantee Portland makes the playoffs next year with this huge victory and the Sonics won’t really improve at all.

Poor Memphis Grizzlies! They had the worst record in the NBA and a 25% chance of landing the first pick and ended up with the fourth. VP Jerry West was extremely upset with the outcome and thinks the lottery system needs to be changed. The system has barely ever helped out any of the worst teams so this might be the final straw.

Drew Gooden’s Lid

Drew Gooden

Needs a haircut real bad! The little patch on the back of his head is one of the most annoying things I have ever seen in my life. Where is Brutus ‘The Barber’ Beefcake when you need him for a job? Drew, for the love of what is right and proper in this world, CUT THAT DAMN MUFF of your neck!