March 1, 2025

Quick Hits: May 2nd, 2006

  • Police Tuesday were investigating a report of a sexual assault involving Lakers center Kwame Brown. Wow, does playing with Kobe just invite this stuff now?
  • Marcus “New Mexico” Vick, who seemingly had been forgotten after not being drafted, has been invited to the Miami Dolphins rookie mini-camp. Wonder how he can screw this opportunity up too?
  • Pacman Jones is burning bridges every which way he knows how. Just a few matches he has used to start the burning include not showing up for offseason conditioning programs, hanging out with drug traffickers, and surprisingly being present at a shooting at a local gas station. With the trouble that follows him around, he should be made to wear a “Warning” sign.
  • From the “Don’t hold your breath” category: Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t want one NFL team in Los Angeles. He wants two.
  • B-U-S-H: Reebok sold 15,000 jerseys with that name on the back. The thing is, they don’t know what number the jersey is going to have on it. While at USC, Bush wore #5, but according to NFL rules, that number is designated to the QB position. It takes a special petition to get the league to allow the number change, and hopefully, those 15,000 people who ordered jerseys will find out soon what their purchase looks like.
  • After starting out the series in an 0-2 hole, the Carolina Hurricanes fought back and won 4 straight to close out the series with Montreal. Game 6 ended with the Hurricanes getting a goal from Cory Stillman in OT.
  • Big East getting bigger? The Birmingham Bowl has been added as a Big East tie in bowl. The opponent will be a team from Conference USA. This is a week after they had another tie-in bowl added, the International Bowl in Toronto. Seriously, the International Bowl? I think we’re reaching a little here. Really….TORONTO? I didn’t know there WAS college football in Toronto!


  1. […] We have shared our thoughts on “King Thug” here at SportsUnderground before when we touched on his Titans suspension and other suspicious incidents he has been involved in over the last year. These stories don’t hold a candle to Pacman’s latest fiasco that happened in Vegas this past weekend. Pacman and his posse were in Vegas for the NBA All-Star festivities and decided to hit a strip club Sunday evening. They must have stopped at 200 or so ATM’s before they went to the boobie bar because Pacman and his crew rolled into the strp club with $81k in a trash bag!!! Now my first question is was it a Hefty bag because that is some serious cash to be carrying around and you don’t want the bag to break? The second question is how was he allowed to walk into the strip club lugging a trash bag full of cash? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess this strip club is a little shady and probably not right on Las Vegas strip. Anyway I digress! Pacman begins to throw large amounts of the money into the air so it can “Rain” down on the strippers. It’s a simulated effect of money literally raining down and Pacman does not want them picking the dolla dolla bills up until it’s done raining. Unfortunately the strippers were told by their handler to pick up the dough before it was done “raining” and this lit Pacman’s fuse with the quickness. You can read the full story *here* because I am getting nauseous just by breaking it down. The bottom line is professional sports has some serious thugs and we all are aware of this, but are any of them as bad as Pacman? He has got one hell of a rap sheet and it just grows and grows. Pacman has mad skills on the football field, but it is my hope we will never see those skills again. He should be booted from the NFL and he definitely needs to go jail. That’s where all his peeps are anyway. Las Vegas, NBA All Star, NFL, Pacman Jones, Tennessee Titans […]