March 1, 2025

Roger Goodell Just Ate Pacman Jones for Lunch

Pacman Jones

Each of our SportsUnderground peeps know how much we despise “King Thug” Adam Pacman Jones and it appears the NFL commissioner has had enough too. Goodell suspended Pacman for an entire year and Jones will have to apply for reinstatement at the end of the year. This will cost Pacman $1,292,500 which is his base salary with the Tennessee Titans or in Pacman’s terms an a$$ load of “making it rain” outings. This was a crucial step taken by Goodell and the NFL and hopefully will set the precedent to the other players it’s time to straighten up. Check out the previous posts linked  below to understand our feelings of Whackman Pacman.

Pacman Popped’s Dumb A$$ of the Week Award

Pacman Makes Me Puke

Pacman “Joke” Jones

In other hood rat news Chris Henry of the Cincinnati Bengals was suspended for the first eight games of the coming season for his legal issues over the last year. He will also have to apply for reinstatement at the end of his suspension.

You can count of both of these guys appealing these suspensions, but lets hope the NFL doesn’t fold.


  1. I LOVE this!!!These guys who get arrested or have run ins with the local authorities 7,8,9,10 times have no shame. Tagliabue was a pussy and now we have some balls back in a league which needs it. How funny was it that once this happened to Adam and Chris Henry Joey Porter was ready to shake hands and make nice from his Las Vegas un-sanctioned brawl.

    You ever wonder why even the simplest DUI arrest has to happen with these guys? With all that jack these guys are making why not get a cab or if that is not posse worthy how bout a town car to drive home.

    Bottom line is if us, joe schmo sports fan, had even 1 run in with the cops we would have our juevos in a sling, our jobs gone, car impounded, wife and kids at the inlaws and a bill for an Atty which would put us in the poor house for years.

    Way to go Goodell the best move the NFL has made since adding the AFL teams