Lebron James is headed to the playoffs for the first time, and we for one can’t wait. It’s like a kid waiting for Christmas, just to see what Santa Claus brings for us. Will James wilt under the pressure of his first game? Could be. Kobe shot enough bricks in his first playoff series to build a new arena. But something in my mind says Lebron isn’t Kobe. I think Lebron shines today vs. the Wizards. I guess we shall see.
[…] I’m sure you have all heard about it by now, being that you’re all sports fans, but LeBron James scored a triple double this afternoon in his first playoff game ever. We talked about it earlier today, and I thought he would play well, but geez! Total line: 32 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists. AWESOME! Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]