February 24, 2025

Megan Abrigo is the Ace

The hostess of NBC’s new prime time poker show “Face the Ace” is a welcome addition to any poker room. Megan Abrigo co-hosts the show with former Sopranos regular Steve Schirippa, but let’s face it no one is looking at “Bobby” when you can soak in such a Hawaiian treat. There is a slight chance you might recognize Megan from her days on “Deal or No Deal” although I doubt it. “Face the Ace” allow contestants the chance to compete against as many as three different top professional poker players on national television for the chance to win one million smackaroos. Even if the show itself doesn’t thrill you I highly suggest you tune in to check out Megan Abrigo.

Megan Abrigo pictures:

Megan Abrigo

Megan Abrigo

Megan Abrigo