February 23, 2025

Skins Fan Loses Bet then Saints Fans Wreak Havoc on His TV

If this isn’t the biggest white trash hoedown you have ever seen then I want you to produce video of the incident or else I won’t believe it. This home video shows what happened to a Redskins fan after he made a very stupid bet with all of his New Orleans Saints friends. The Skins fan bet that if they lost to the Saints that they could come over and have target practice on his 60’ flat screen television. He almost got lucky and was able to keep his beloved television until Shaun Suisham missed a 23-yard field goal that led to the Saints winning in overtime. Well, it didn’t take long for his country bumpkin friends to head over to the house with firearms and a lot of Keystone Light ready to take out the TV. I think my favorite Saints fan is the one who has the Saints logo on the back of his head with cut-off jeans over some Miley Cyrus printed thermal underwear with a gun that could kill an elephant. It doesn’t get much better than this my friends!