February 26, 2025

Spike TV World’s Sexiest Athlete Award Spoiler

If you were prefer to watch the June 21st airing of the Spike TV Guy’s Choice Awards then you probably don’t want to read this article. The awards ceremony was held this past Saturday May 30th and we felt very confident #5 SportsUnderground Sports Babe Allison Stokke was a lock to win the World’s Sexiest Athlete award. Well, unforunately that wasn’t the case, and in the end a 21-year old Serbian tennis player named Biba Golic won the prize. While Biba is a very pretty girl we feel there must have been some voting shenanigans going on since Stokke didn’t reign victorious.

Biba Golic photos:

Biba Golic

Biba Golic

Allison Stokke:

Allison Stokke