February 23, 2025

ManCrunch Commercial Nixed

CBS has renounced a Super Bowl ad for a gay dating site called ManCrunch stating it wasn’t up to their “broadcast standards.” In a prepared statement the network said, “After reviewing the ad — which is entirely commercial in nature — our Standards and Practices department decided not to accept this particular spot.” They added that it “is not within the Network’s Broadcast Standards for Super Bowl Sunday.” I think the website should be thanking their lucky stars it was rejected because now they get to keep the $2+ million it costs to air a commercial during the Super Bowl while garnering all sorts of media attention. Here is the commercial in all its glory.

ManCrunch commercial:


  1. i have no words


  1. […] rest is here: ManCrunch Commercial, Super Bowl XLIV | SportsUnderground.com Posted in mancrunch | Tags: cbs, commercial, commercial-rejected, during-the, during-the-super, […]