March 8, 2025

Hope Dworaczyk is a Hottie

Hope Dworaczyk

I’m not sure anyone is actually familiar with the name, but you might know her ex-boyfriend Jason Kidd. Hope is in April’s Playboy edition just one year after having one of Kidd’s children, but she seems to have rebounded quite well. Now don’t get Hope confused with ex-wife Joumana with whom Kidd had three children with before divorcing her due to “extreme cruelty” during their relationship. Kidd accused Joumana of intense jealousy, general paranoia, and many “false domestic abuse claims” to the police as why he wanted out. Is that really the reason or is it because he wanted to be with the likes of Hope Dworaczyk. Well, that is isn’t for me to answer, but he does seem to be enjoying being single and I can’t say I blame him. Play on playa!

Hope Dworaczyk
Hope Dworaczyk
Hope Dworaczyk


  1. dexineffex says

    Besides the obvious “OMG” response to these fantastic pics —- what in the blue hell is up with the basketball used in the first shot (standing). That basketball was taken out of someone’s backyard after going through Fall & Winter — slicker than slime on a boat dock! Come on photographer — go spend $20 at Wal-Mart on a new ball — geesh!!

  2. You noticed the basketball????

  3. Holy MILF!