March 10, 2025

NBA Ridiculous Salary of the Week

The largest waste of salary to date we have posted was in the $11 million dollar range so today we decided to step it up a bit. The winner is….

Raef LaFrentz

***Raef LaFrentz***
$12,440,787 A YEAR from Portland
31 years old
19 games played
1.9 ppg 1.6 rpg


  1. flyin_high says

    How does this stiff even make $3 million a year?

  2. Wha wha wha wha wha WHAT??!!??

    Reefer is an “8 figga-nigga by the name of jigga”?

    That is completely unbelievable. How is he not an assistant coach by now, making $75Gs back in Lawrence? What is Portland thinking?

    Great stuff StoneCold!! I love those posts about ridonkulous salaries — keep it coming as nothing ceases to amaze me.

  3. Your a trip dexineffex. Thanks for the props!

  4. hey think of it this way.. How much did Stallone make for the last Rocky flick that tanked? $20M? $25M?

  5. You just went the Rambo route…


  1. […] stonecoldjz wrote a fantastic post today on “NBA Ridiculous Salary of the Week”Here’s ONLY a quick extract***Raef LaFrentz*** $12440787 A YEAR from Portland 31 years old 19 games played 1.9 ppg 1.6 rpg NBA, nba salaries, Portland Trailblazers, Raef LaFrentzNBA, nba salaries, Portland Trailblazers, Raef […] […]