March 10, 2025

Jason is a Kidd

Jason Kidd

So let him go! Three years now with a demand to be traded each year and the first two times Jason Kidd’s wish wasn’t granted. I think the third time should be a charm for the New Jersey Nets and ultimately Kidd. If a player wants out as bad as kidd then you need to let him go rather than him being a detriment to your team as a “leader”. I understand he is still one of the top point guards in the league, but if he isn’t committed then f%$k him. You are more than likely opening your new coliseum in Brooklyn for 2010 so why not trade him NOW for some young exciting talent? This talent will help make your coliseum grand opening a success rather than a Bronx cheer.


  1. ballbuster says

    If he doesn’t get traded he might just ask for a trade again.

  2. Look for a Sacto trade where Bibby goes to NJ along with another contract ie; Kenny Thomas or Ron Artest for Kidd and Nenad Kistic or Josh Boone

  3. I totally disagree…Kidd wants to go to a winner Bruins1…not another mediocre squad.

  4. give me 1 winner who needs a PG..
    He is up a tree as he can not go anywhere and play for a playoff team as they are already set at PG. There is only 1 team I see that may want to play ball and since salaries are close Maybe Houston send TMac to NJ for Kidd, but other than that no other playoff team has a need for Kidd at this time. So he has to go to a sub-playoff team.
    BTW: Sacto is only 6 games out of playoff spot. A Kidd addition and a revitalized Artest can bring it home. Consider the fact Bibby hasnt played 85% of the year.

  5. The Dallas Mavericks is where he will land. There isn’t a chance he will land in Sac town. Six games out in the West is really like 10-12 games out due to the talent ahead of them.

  6. I think he’s better off staying the East — may Cleveland in a 3-way deal. Bibby is still shipped East to NJ, Kidd to Cleveland and whoever from the Cavs to Sac.

    Shoot, Danny Ainge should just absolutely load the deck and trade away Rondo, send Scalabrini back to NJ, and toss in a couple of bench warmers. Just field 4 All-stars and the rest scab players to give Boston/N.E. another major sports championship in the same seasons! How amazing would that be if Boston’s Big 3 claimed all of the marquee pro championships??!!??

  7. I think the Cleveland component is plausible dexineffex.

    Let’s not get the cart in front of the horse about Boston holding all three major professional sports championships. It will be a very sad year if that happens though.

  8. ballbuster says

    Kidd to the Mavs. Case closed.

  9. Case is closed ballbuster. We predicted this just over two weeks ago now.


  1. […] This definitely has to have been one of the most active seasons of note in respect to big name players being moved this year in the NBA. Things got started back in late December when under appreciated Kyle Korver was shipped out of Philadelphia to Utah for Gordan Giriceck and a protected first round pick. Then on February 1st the Lakers acquired Pau Gasol and a second round pick from Memphis for Kwame Brown, Javaris Crittenton and Aaron McKie. Roughly a week later the Suns countered the Lakers trade by shipping Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks for superstar Shaquille O’Neal. A little over three weeks ago I predicted Kidd to the Mavericks and ultimately this week Dallas able to get the deal done. Devin Harris, Gana Diop, Trenton Hassell, Moe Ager, Keith Van Horn and a pair of draft picks were shipped to New Jersey in order to acquire Kidd, Malik Allen and Antoine Wright. The final big trade came through yesterday when Drew Gooden, Larry Hughes, Shannon Brown and Cedric Simmons were traded from the Cleveland Cavaliers in exchange for Joe Smith, Ben Wallace and Chicago’s 2009 regular second round draft pick. Also as part of the three-team trade, Chicago sent Adrian Griffin to Seattle. There were some other smaller trades like Mike Bibby to Hawks, Gerald Green to the Rockets, Kurt Thomas to the Spurs, and Bonzi wells along with Mike James to the Hornets. Ben Wallace, Jason Kidd, NBA, NBA trading deadline, Pau Gason, Shaquille ONeal […]