February 28, 2025

Atta Boy Joe

Joe Torre

Joe Torre has just turned down a one-year offer from the Yankees. The offer was for $5 million with $3 million in incentives. I’m so glad he punked George and tweedle dee and tweedle dumb (Hank and Hal) after they took so long to make a decision. I hope they get stuck with former Yankee Steve Howe as their manager. You da man Joe!


  1. The Yankees are just trying to save face. So they dont have to go back to NY with the moniker of firing a legend they offered Joe a 1 yr deal knowing he wouldn’t take it.

    The Yanks need new blood anyway… they have done it for years so it is time for Joe to go somewhere else. Where he will go is to someones front office. We will not see Joe manage ever again. I mean c’mon.. you want to see him in a Royal uni? Maybe he goes to St Louis as the new GM and LaRussa goes to NY as Manager.. now that would be cool.

  2. First battle for the kids…resounding failure. Nice.

  3. Jeremy – it was a failure for ole Hank and Hal.

    Bruins1 – The 1 year deal was definitely a joke and it is time for Joe to move on. Joe will not ever manage again and I could see him in the St. Louis front office. You will not see LaRussa in pinstripes though.

  4. BTW: Steve Howe is dead so please leave the man alone.