March 1, 2025

Slammin Sammy Hits Milestone

Sammy Sosa

Sammy Sosa hit his 600th career home run last night against his old team the Chicago Cubs. Sosa now playing with the Texas Rangers became the fifth player in history to reach this impressive mark. Hank Aaron, Barry Bonds, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays and now Mr. Sosa. The question is should Sosa be inducted into the Hall of Fame?


  1. Definately Hall Of Fame.. maybe not first ballot as the writers will most likely penalize him for being so massive due to ‘roids, but he is one of only 5 to hit 600 dingers and that says something. Also.. baseball is such a funny game.. he hits the dong against the Cubbies… How freaking odd that the Rangers where even playing them AND that Sammy who a year ago was retired came back to play on the Rangers.

    Needless to say…
    …Baseball is a simple game.. you catch the ball, you throw the ball, you hit the ball and you shoot up…Loligaggers dont make it and this feat is proof.

  2. Your comment is Johnny on the spot. He will and should (hard for me to say) get in the Hall due to this accomplishment.