Jim Everett vs Jim Rome – F’In classic!
SportsUnderground ‘Back in the Day’ Clips
April 18, 2007 by
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An All Time favorite of mine is this Jim ‘Chris’ Everett v Jim Rome clip.
Considering I was a season ticket holder of the LA Rams till that biotch ran them to St Louis, Jim ‘Chris’ Everett never lived up to the hype. It was somewhat unfortunate that he was playing in the same division as the SF 49ers during their heyday, but was not underestimated was his pussy-ness. Like when he took a sack when nobody was near him. He cuddled up like a fetus thinking there was an onslaught of defenders about to crush him only to find out that his Hall of Fame O-Line had taken care of the rush and to compund matters it was 4th down in the last minutes against those same 49ers in a huge game we needed to win.
Thanks for the memories Underground I welcome these old tracks of SoCal