March 3, 2025

Bonds on #714 Baseball

Barry Bonds

The hullabaloo over Barry Bonds hitting his 714th career home run and tying Babe Ruth is now over. This will only lead to even more build up for him passing Ruth and moving into second place all alone, but not here at Sports Underground. I only want to point out, as I like to do every chance I get, what a classless act Barry Bonds is and will continue to be. A 19 year old young man named Tyler Snyder was the person who caught Bond’s homer yesterday in Oakland. Snyder quickly left the game with his souvenir because I’m sure he was worried about someone attempting to take the record tying ball. When Bonds was told Snyder is an A’s fan, he cracked back with: “I, um, forgive you. If he doesn’t like me, give me the ball.” Another wonderful example that Barry Bonds is the equivalence of pond scum!